Corridor Mapping


High density LiDAR is a revolutionary tool for powerlines management, planning and monitoring of constructions. AeroPhoto Co Ltd has been very successful at corridor mapping, planning of and executing projects such as powerlines, pipeline, dykes, roads and railways.

Thanks to the multi-echo recording, it is possible to map in addition to the hard surfaces (ground, building), thin elements such as wires and towers. Using powerful classification software, we are able to separate the ground model from all obstacles along the powerline axis. In such projects, high resolution orthoimages and digital cadaster are usually expected in addition to laser data, to enable efficient management and maintenance.

We are specialized in power transmission line surveys, where vegetation overlap and potential damage can be accurately assessed and targeted. Very high-density LiDAR, DTM and the integration of images, allows the detection and vectorizing of individual power lines and components making up the pylons, which can be used to measure the sag of lines (calculation of catenaries) and even the individual insulators.

Surface models of the ground of the corridor helps us to observe slopes vulnerable to erosion and further determine the impacts. Vector data can be integrated into professional software and thus, used in performing thermal capacity studies, analyzing rebuild projects, and generating as-built records. By running classification routines, we can detect the so-called danger objects, like vegetation or other objects in critical to power line corridor distance, monitoring the safety clearance area around power line.